» book tracks.
Book Tracks: Albums to listen to while you read books... Get it? Book Tracks.
1. The Road by Cormac McCarthy -and- F# A# (Infinity) by Godspeed You Black Emperor!  »read it now
-- a 04-16-09 sin city south feature by Mena

» oh, hello there. part 1: instant happy
Oh, hello there. You caught me - I was just reading this incredibly big book about, um, words and... smart things. Do you mind if I push my sweatpants down to my ankles while we talk?  »read it now
-- a 03-09-09 sin city south feature by Mena

» how many times did that reviewer just mention gang of four?
How many times can one style or genre of music be praised, then beat down and berated to the point that its cliche, only to come back again a few years later heralded as a breath of fresh air, new and exciting? It is easy to hear influences in songs, in entire genres of music, and usually this produces a lackluster piece of art...  »read it now
-- a 03-08-09 sin city south feature by APC

» tom waits - the early years, vol 2: best post-coitus album ever?
I'd like to preface this with - this isn't some "yee-haw-we-just-fucked-for-the-first-time-bubble-gum" album. This is more for after the third or fourth time... and it's going good. It's more of a "geez-I-captilulate-I-acutally-want-to-go-to-the-farmer's-market-and-art-museum-with-you-TOMORROW" album. It's heavy...I think...  »read it now
-- a 03-04-09 sin city south feature by Mena

» jason isbell: from the circle bar to the 400 unit
Lord, it was cold. It snowed the day before. It wasn't the first snow NOLA had ever seen, but it was enough to cause a stir. I ventured out into that frigid climate to hear music at the Circle Bar. There's a tangible energy in a house that's packed with people bobbing their heads to a loud band...  »read it now
-- a 03-03-09 sin city south feature by Skeeter

» the bastard sons of tom waits: a 9th ward aesthetic
I fell in love with Tom Waits in my junior year of college in New Orleans while living with four other guys in a house that should have fallen over years before. We all liked music: a few of us played; we could get into - and win - any argument about early bluesmen, Her Satanic Majesties Request, or the relevance of Leon Redbone; and had a constant soundtrack behind our lives. A large part of that soundtrack was Tom Waits...  »read it now
-- a 02-21-09 sin city south feature by APC